North Lincolnshire Community Web Site HUB Computer Services
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Local Links - Barton-upon-Humber - North Lincolnshire

This page is full of useful links & information for visitors & residents of Barton-upon-Humber.

Council & Local Link
Barton Local Link - The Old Magistrates' Court, High Street, Barton. Tel 01652 632095. Open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except Wednesday 9am to 4pm).
Barton Local Link - Surgeries - Citizens' Advice Bureau - Monday 9.30am to 12 noon.
Barton Local Link - Surgeries - Careers - Tuesday 9.30am to 1pm.
Barton Local Link - Surgeries - Pension Service - Alternate Thursdays 10am to 1pm.
Barton Local Link - Surgeries - Registrar - Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9.30am to 12.30pm.
Barton Town Council - Assembly Rooms, Queen Street, Barton. Tel 01652 633598.
North Lincs Council (Barton Office) - 01652 632095.
North Lincs Council - Pothole Hotline Tel 01724 296685/86/87
North Lincs Council - Street Lighting Faults. Tel 01724 279551
North Lincs Council - Collection of Bulky Items Tel 01724 297803
North Lincs Council - Flytipping Tel 01724 297000
North Lincs Council - Pest Control Tel 01724 297626/7


Doctors - Central Surgery, King Street, Barton. Tel 01652 635435/6 - enquiries, 01652 632565 - appointments, 01652 632573 - emergencies, 01652 632257 - dispensary, 01652 632127 - prescriptions, Fax 01652 636122.
Doctors - West Town Surgery Tel 01652 660041.
Dentists - J T Walker, High Street, Barton. Tel 01652 633580
Family Planning Clinic - Tel 01652 660018
Hospital - Scunthorpe General, Cliff Gardens, Scunthorpe. Tel 01724 282282.
Hospital - Grimsby General, Scartho Road, Grimsby. Tel 01472 874111.
Hospital - Hull Royal Infirmary, Anlaby Road, Hull. Tel 01482 328541.
Hospital - Castle Hill, Hull. Tel 01482 875875.

Public Services

Barton Recycling Centre - Gravel Pit Road, Barton. Open (Winter 1Nov-28Feb) 10am to 4pm every day except closed on Wednesday and Thursday (Summer 1Mar-31Oct) 10am to 6pm every day except closed on Wednesday and Thursday.
Police - New Humberside Police non-emergency telephone number = 0845 60 60 222. (old numbers High Street, Barton. Tel 01652 660222 ,Scunthorpe 01724 282888)
Public Transport - Linconlshire Road Car Tel 01522 532424, East Yorkshire Motor Services (Buscall) Tel 01482 22222, or Traveline Tell 0870 608 2 608.
Samaritans - Scunthorpe Tel 01724 860000, Grimsby Tel 01472 353111
Social Services - Dunstall Street, Scunthorpe. Tel 01724 282009 or 01652 632517.
Tourist Information - One Stop Shop, High Street, Barton. Tel 01652 632095
Humber Bridge Board - Tel 01482 647161 (24 hour travel info Tel 01482 641640).
Humberside Airport - Humberside International Airport Ltd, Kirmington. Tel 01652 688456
Leisure Centre - Baysgarth Park. Tel 01652 632511.
Library - Holydyke Tel 01652 632245

Clubs & Groups

Leisure & Recreation